Sixth Star Technologies

Secured VPS Hosting Provider in India

Ultra Fast, High Performance Hosting


Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting is widely chosen to reduce IT expenses and thereby increasing the efficiency of performance with high-level safety, privacy, and control. In VPS hosting the customer will be provided with a server hard drive consisting of a CPU and memory resources by the firm. VPS hosting model has both the configurations of dedicated and shared hosting with impeccable performance. Once the VPS hosting providing plan is taken up,the responsibility of managing server, support, and maintenance is taken by Sixth Star giving a complete peace of mind to all clients. In our firm, we provide both managed VPS and unmanaged VPS hosting with all available features.

Why Sixth Star For VPS Hosting?


Why Sixth Star For VPS Hosting?

Sixth Star is one of the leading web hosting company in India and our brand reputation relies on the service we provide to our customers on time. We are vigorous to serve our customers with adhering and growing technologies. Since 2006, Sixth Star offers hosting services for many business organization by meeting their requirements at different locations. Our affordable hosting plans have all the benefits that help in scaling your businesses and to handle your present and futuristic requirements of the businesses.

We have clients across various organizations and we have served them best with at most satisfying features. In fact, they gave us a deep insight into requirements in organizations which provoked us in providing inexpensive hosting plans with better customization.

Whatever may be your requirements, Sixth Star will provide you with a benefited plan at low capital investment.

Key Features Of VPS Hosting
Software features:
  • Vigorous and personalized add ones- We provide CPanel, Plesk panel, Free 1 Dedicated IP.
  • Managed services-Firewall setup, Installation/ Re-installation process, Hardware issues, Anti-malware report, Network issues, Hacking attempts investigations, Core processor update and backups and login issues etc. are taken care.
  • Additional features- Mail, FTP, database and web services besides version upgrade, repairs, and troubleshooting.
Hardware features:
  • High-quality hardware’s- Hardware is facilitated with best data centers of enterprise grade services with low latency and excellent bandwidth features.
  • Server Specifications- Xeon Intel core processor with- best RAM capacity, HDD storage, and battery backup.
  • Uptime guarantee- High redundant power supply with 99.99% server uptime and storage uptime.
Benefits Of VPS In Sixth Star

The main benefit of the VPS hosting is they possess both the attributes of dedicated and shared hosting i.e. with the affordable and competitive price they provide the best security, control, and performance.

Some of our VPS hosting benefits are given as follows,

  • High network connectivity with robust data centers.
  • Servers with core processors, unlimited bandwidth, and storage features.
  • Free setup and installation
  • 99.98% uptime guarantee
  • Deployment services
  • Enterprise security architecture
  • 24*7*365 technical support and maintenance

We help you enhance your business through our services with all the benefits and with great endurance.